
The lib-common contains the generic implementation of several containers:

  • vectors

  • hash tables and hash maps

  • head-tail lists

  • double-linked lists

  • rings

  • red-black trees

  • heaps

There’s two kind of containers in their implementation:

  • template-based containers: These are containers that contains an array of the object. In that context, you must "instantiate" a new container type for each type it can contain.

  • anchor-based containers: These are containers that just requires you to add an anchor in your data structure. Once done, your structure can be inserted in the container. Anchor-based containers are usually lists.

Our containers come with iterators and safe-iterators. A safe iterator guarantees that you can remove the current object during the iteration.


Vectors are dynamically resize tables of objects. They are template-based containers. You instantiate a new vector type using the qvector_t(name, type) macro and then use the newly defined type with the qv_t(name) type name.

struct foo_t {
    int a;

qvector_t(foo, struct foo_t); /* define a vector of struct foo_t */
qvector_t(foop, struct foo_t *); /* define a vector of pointers to
                                    struct foo_t */

int blah(qv_t(foo) *vect, int a)
    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
        struct foo_t f = { .a = i };

        qv_append(vect, f);

    return foo->len;

Hash tables and hash maps

Hash tables (qh) and hash maps (qm) are also implemented as template-based containers. The difference between qh and qm is that qh is just a set of keys while qm is an association table between a key and a value. The types are instantiated using the q[hm]_k(32|64|vec|ptr)_t macros:

  • k32: the key is a 32bits value

  • k64: the key is a 64bits value

  • kvec: the key is a structure/value

  • kptr: the key is a pointer to a structure/value

Note: the default read accessors of the qm/qh may have side-effects on the structure of the qm/qh, thus they are not reentrant. The _safe are provided in order to work in a multithreaded environment.

Doubly linked list (dlist_t)

The DList is the good container when you need to often add or remove elements from a random position of a vector. Because it’s doubly linked it’s also the good container when you need to remove an element without knowing where it comes from (which position inside the vector or even which vector).

The DList is very safe if you use it with some good practices:

  • never leave a dlist_t uninitialized, always use dlist_init();

  • don’t forget to call dlist_remove() in the object destructor, don’t try to manage it by hand;

  • use dlist_for_each_safe if you have to modify the list inside in the loop (not necessary since version 2016.3: dlist_for_each_safe has replaced the original dlist_for_each).

typedef struct my_linked_item_t {
    dlist_t link;
} my_linked_item_t;

/* Never forget to initialize the `dlist_t` member in the object initializer */
my_linked_item_t *my_linked_item_init(my_linked_item_t *item)
    p_clear(item, 1);

    return item;

/* Also don't forget to remove the item from the list in its wiper */
void my_linked_item_wipe(my_linked_item_t *item)

Naming convention:

The struct dlist_t can be used in two different contexts:


Naming convention


The list itself: the dlist_t represents the linked list entry point

The attribute should be named "list" or be suffixed with "_list".

list, elements_list, …​

The struct used as an anchor for listed elements

The attribute should be named "link" or be suffixed with "_link".

link, elements_link, …​

Note: this convention replaces an older convention in which we used "head"/"list" instead of "list"/"link". Some old code still using this convention can still be seen in the repository.