
The lib-common also contains the logging primitives. We do have two generations:

  • e_*: this is our "old" logging function. It is also the only available solution in lib-commons 2013.1 and earlier.

  • logger_t: this is a log4*-inspired implementation of logging API present in recent lib-commons

Both implementations have the same primitives: * panic: print a message, emit a syslog entry and abort the execution * fatal: print a message, emit a syslog entry and exit gently * error, warn, notice, info, debug: print a message at the given priority level. Only the messages with a priority lesser than the configured one are actually emitted. * trace: emit tracing logs. Tracing have its own numerical level from 0 to INT_MAX that let you control which trace to print or not.

logger_t hierarchy

The logger_t facility (provided by lib-common/log.h) is a hierarchical logging facility (this is the main improvement when compared to the e_* family. This means that each logger inherits from a parent and have a separate level configured. The main usage is to configure a logger per code module (or potentially per structure if appropriate, e.g. a logger per http connection). Then, you can have a different logging level for each code module. This allow library functions to only print errors while still displaying debug traces in the core of the process.

All emitted traces are associated to a logger that has a name, a parent and default level. The name must be unique for a given parent, the level can be any valid logging priority level (LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, …​ LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TRACE), or the special LOG_INHERITS level which means the logger have the same level as its parent. From the hierarchy of the logger, a full name is computed that is a concatenation of the names of the logger and its parents (this is used as the unique identifier of the logger).

Once you have a logger, you just need to call logger_* to performs logging. The call will be almost free (an integer comparison) if the requested log has a level is not accepted (for example if the logger is configured everything more important that a LOG_NOTICE and a call to logger_debug is performed).

/* Create a logger for that module.
 * It inherits directly from the root logger.
static logger_t my_module_logger_g = LOGGER_INIT_INHERITS(NULL, "my_module");

/* Sub part 1 */

/* Create a logger for that part, inherits from my_module level.
 * The full name of that logger is "my_module/part_1"
static logger_t
my_sub_part1_logger_g = LOGGER_INIT_INHERITS(&my_module_logger_g, "part_1");

static int do_something1(void)
    return logger_info(&my_sub_part1_logger_g, "hello");

/* Sub part 2 */

/* Create a logger for that part, but by default only log warnings and errors.
 * The full name of that logger is "my_module/part_2"
static logger_t
my_sub_part2_logger_g = LOGGER_INIT(&my_module_logger_g, "part_2", LOG_WARN);

static int do_something1(void)
    return logger_info(&my_sub_part1_logger_g, "hello");


The logger configuration can be performed using the logger_set_level and logger_reset_level function. The first one set the level for a logger and all the loggers that inherits from that one, while the second one resets the level of a particular logger to the its default one. Those functions take the full name of a logger as their first parameter.

/* Set the level of my_module/part_1 */
logger_set_level(LSTR("my_module/part_1"), LOG_TRACE, 0);

/* Set the level of the root logger */
logger_set_level(LSTR_EMPTY_V, LOG_WARN, 0);

/* Set back my_module/part_1 to its default level */

The logger can also be configured by using an IOP structure LogConfiguration or by using an IOP interface available in lib-common’s Core IOP module.


The formatting of the logs if performed by a handler that receive a message and the associated context each time a log line is emitted. There’s only one handler that receives all the emitted logs. The context received by the handler is extensible, which means that it may contain more data in the future. Currently, it contains:

  • the logging level

  • the full name of the emitting logger

  • the location of the emitter (file, function, line number)

  • the identification of the emitting process (process name, pid)

The default logger prints logs on stderr.


Trace loggers

In order to display traced logger you need to provide the following pattern to the environment variable IS_DEBUG


For example, if you want to display the level 2 trace of the logger platform/miner/sched and the level 3 trace of qre for an example process zpf-master, you should run the command:

IS_DEBUG="+platform/miner/sched:2 +qre:3" ./zpf-master

You can also set the IS_LOG_TIMESTAMP variable to 1 in order to add the timestamps in the produced logs:

$ IS_LOG_TIMESTAMP=1 ./zpf-master
1453400885.28 zpf-master[15549]: {platform} example message 1
1453400885.46 zpf.master@1[15549]: {platform/master} example message 2