C Language in the lib-common

This page describes some specificities of the C language we use in the lib-common and gives pointers to useful resources.

Language and compiler

Our code is mostly C99 with GNU extensions and the blocks extension from Apple. We target Linux and most precisely the distribution installed on the servers of our customers: Red Hat Entreprise Linux (mostly RHEL 7). As a consequence, we do support compilation with the compiler shipped (and supported) by Red Hat:

  • gcc 4.4 on RHEL 6

  • gcc 4.8 on RHEL 7

Because clang provides a better front-end with better error reporting than gcc, we do parse our code with clang and compile it with gcc (the clang parsing can be disabled using the NOCHECK=1 parameter of our build system). As a consequence, our code compiles with clang even if we don’t distribute the generated code (and you can chose, to use clang as your primary compiler on your workstation). This enables the ability to use clang static code analyzer on your code base.

Coding Rules

Our coding rules bring some constraints on the form of the C we write. This includes code formatting, naming conventions, exploitability conventions…​

GNU extensions

We compile with gcc GNU extensions: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/C-Extensions.html#C-Extensions of the C language activated. This offers a lot of syntactic sugar and provide tools to write safe macros. We also make an extensive use of gcc builtins and attributes although we usually wrap them in macros in the lib-common in order to provide compatibility with older version of the compiler when the builtin has been introduced quite recently.

The most used extensions:

/* Get a reference to an anonymous structure */
struct {
   int a;
   int b;
} foo;
typeof(foo) *bar = &foo;
  • statement expressions: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/Statement-Exprs.html#Statement-Exprs this is a block (and thus a statement) that has a value (and thus is an expression). Its value is the value of its last expression. This provides a way to write multiple-evaluation free macros: since we have a local scope we can store the result of the expansion of the parameter of the macro in temporaries:

/* This example demonstrate the use of both typeof() and statement expressions
 * in a real-world macro. typeof() let us declare a variable __res of the
 * correct type to store the result of the expansion of e. As e needs to be
 * evaluated twice, it is mandatory to store it in a temporary variable.
 * Finally the macro has a return value, it evaluates to the result of the last
 * expression of the statement expression (i.e __res).

#define RETHROW_P(e)        \
    ({ typeof(e) __res = (e);                          \
       if (unlikely(__res == NULL)) {                  \
           return NULL;                                \
       }                                               \
       __res;                                          \
/* Traditionally */
int a = do_something();
return a ? a : -1;

/* With the extended ?: */
return do_something() ?: -1;

Other constructions

We also use some constructions that may be tricky or rarely used.

  • format-string extensions:

    • as explained in our documentation about the lib-common, the %p operator is overloaded by our implementation of printf and gives birth to some constructions such a %*pM that "put memory" and provide an efficient alternative to %.*s

    • we use the j format parameter to print 64bits integer variables. This avoids using bloated C99 standard macros such as PRIu64 or PRIx64


/* C99 standard */
printf("%"PRIx64", v);

/* Intersec's version */
printf("%jx", v);
  • macro and function overloading: we use (quite intensively) the fact that the preprocessor knows if the macro has arguments or not to allow overloading function with macros (and vice-versa).

Overloading a macro

An example is the p_delete function that overloads the p_delete macro. This works because the macro p_delete is defined as p_delete(…​), thus the preprocessor will only catch apply that macro when it finds p_delete followed by an opening parentheses. Thus, (p_delete) cannot be replaced by the macro and since it’s the same as p_delete, it can be used as a function name.

/* We define the type-safe macro
#define p_delete(pp) \
    ({                                    \
        typeof(**(pp)) **__ptr = (pp);    \
        ifree(*__ptr, MEM_LIBC);          \
        *__ptr = NULL;                    \

/* We also define a function that will simply
 * call the macro.
static inline void (p_delete)(void **p)

/* I need to provide a deletion callback?
 * Then, I need to provide a function, since the
 * "p_delete" token is not followed by an opening
 * parentheses, it is not expanded by the preprocessor
 * and thus it is the function.
set_deletion_callback(ctx, p_delete);
ctx->deletion_cb = p_delete;

/* I need to perform deletion on a pointer. Then, I use
 * the straightforward syntax, and it uses the macro.

Overloading a function

A second example is a function that takes some flags but in most cases should be called with the flags set to 0. This is a perfect use cases of the argument default value that can be found in most modern language (the prototype of the function contains a value to be passed for a parameter when that parameter is omitted in the call). C does not support default values (C++ does), but we can somehow emulate this feature using macro overloading.

/* The macro does not exists yet, so no need to "espace" the
 * name of the function using the (my_function) syntax.
int my_function(ctx, flags);

/* Then define the macro, it must call the function thus ensure
 * we properly escaped the name in the call.
#define my_function(ctx)  (my_function)(ctx, 0)

/* Then when I call the function with the default argument value:
int ret = RETHROW(my_function(ctx));

/* With non-default argument value:
int ret = RETHROW((my_function)(ctx, FLAG_NODEF));


We use the blocks extension introduced by Apple with clang in Snow Leopard (MacOS X 10.6) in 2009. blocks provide a way to create closures within a straight-C program. For detailed information, you can read the documentation from Apple at http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Blocks/Articles/00_Introduction.html.

Since we do generate machine code with gcc and gcc does not support blocks, our build system compiles blocks in two passes:

  • first, we use a hacked version of clang to rewrite blocks in C (the hacked version only has an extra compiler pass that is only activated when the --rewrite-blocks option is passed to the compiler, thus apart from the extra option, our clang is an upstream version and it can be used for general purpose).

  • second we compile the generated file with gcc

In order to work with blocks in our environment you must follow these constraints:

  • code with blocks must be put in .blk files (.blkk for C++)

  • block rewriting does not work when some rewritten part are in macros or generated using macros (this sometimes force us to use the _Bool standard type instead of bool when dealing with blocks).

When to use blocks

Blocks could basically be used whenever you want to use a callback (that does not mean it should be used that way). In practice our most frequent use cases are:

  • parallelism

  • callbacks when:

    • we depend on a lot of parameters from the initial caller environment (i.e. we have to capture several variable in a context)

    • when the action is different everytime we call the function that takes the callback

  • generic function: instead of adding several parameters to a function that should have some subtle behavior differences depending on the context it is called from, we can sometimes use a block that implements the specific parts

Let us have some examples

  • In this first example, we have a callback that highly depends on the caller of script_execute. Thus using a block instead of a pair (callback, context) has several advantages:

    • we do not have to define a function per call site

    • we do not have to create a context type

    • we have strong typing (no cast to void *, thus we are sure we are working with the correct data (we cannot call the wrong callback with the wrong context type)

    • concision

Without blocks With blocks
struct stupid_local_type {
    bool has_caught;
    sb_t buf;

static void catcher_for_some_function(const script_exception_t *exn,
                                      bool compilation, void *priv)
    struct stupid_local_type *d = priv;

    d->has_caught = true;
    script_exception_to_string(exn, &d->buf, true);

static void some_function(const char *code)
    struct stupid_local_type d = {
        .has_caught = false,

    sb_inita(&d.buf, 1024);
    script_execute(code, "anonymous", NULL, 0, NULL,
                   catcher_for_some_function, &d);

    if (d.has_caught) {
        e_error("Failed to run script: %*pM", buf.len, buf.data);
static void some_function(const char *code)
    bool __block has_caught = false;
    sb_t __block buf;

    sb_inita(&buf, 1024);
    script_execute(code, "anonymous", NULL, 0, NULL,
                   ^(const script_exception_t *exn, bool compilation) {
                       has_caught = true;
                       script_exception_to_string(exn, &buf, true);

    if (has_caught) {
        e_error("Failed to run script: %*pM", buf.len, buf.data);
  • This second example is about parallelism. It shows how blocks help writing easy-to-read paralleled code:

    • parallel code with blocks is nearly the same as sequential code, it only adds a few synchronization primitives and exports the actual code in a block. As a consequence, it is nearly as simple to understand than the sequential code

    • blocks avoids a lot of administrative code: no need to create a function, create a job type, cast to and from the job type and manually allocate/deallocate the context.

Without parallelism Parallelism without blocks Parallelism with blocks
void apply_to_all_map(qv_t(map) *maps)
    qv_for_each_pos(map, pos, maps) {
        map_t *map = maps->tab[pos];

struct apply_to_map_ctx_t {
    thr_job_t job;
    mapt_t *map;

static void apply_to_map_job(thr_job_t *job)
    struct apply_to_map_ctx_t *ctx
        = container_of(job, struct apply_to_map_ctx_t, job);


void apply_to_all_map(qv_t(map) *maps)
    thr_syn_t syn;

    qv_for_each_pos(map, pos, maps) {
        struct apply_to_map_ctx_t *ctx
            = p_new(struct apply_to_map_ctx_t, 1);

        ctx->job.run = &apply_to_map_job;
        ctx->map = maps->tab[pos];
        thr_syn_schedule(&syn, &ctx->job);
void apply_to_all_map(qv_t(map) *maps)
    thr_syn_t syn;

    qv_for_each_pos(map, pos, maps) {
        map_t *map = maps->tab[pos];

        thr_syn_schedule_b(&syn, ^{


These are some articles every C programmer should have read at least once: